Wow, this came up fast. Next week it is down to the final two. Who do you think it will be? I really don't know--all three are very good and deserve to be there. My picks are Melinda and Blake, but only because I like them the best. I thought they did by far the best, although Jordin did end really well last night no matter what Simon said. I really hope that Blake makes it to the final, although then it will be tough for me to pick who I would want to see win, since I like both him and Melinda. Ahh, choices! If it is Melinda and Jordin, then I pick Melinda as my favorite. I still think Melinda takes it all--she is the best singer I think they have ever had. She kicked up her personality and bit this week, which is good. I think Blake is one of the most interesting people they've ever had on the show, and while I don't really like Maroon 5, he made me like their song. I really like the last song he did, both the original and his version (which wasn't that different, honestly). If only Paula had chosen a better song for the first one. I mean, Roxanne?
It was a hot one last night America.
Oh, and I am done with my school work and it is wheels up for Europe in a fortnight. Still no word on which city I'll be in, which is fun. Lots of social functions this week, my bday, and the lady's graduation and family. Then it is wheels up for Wisconsin (where we don't get Fox, so I will not see the final!). No rest for the wicked!
Go Blake! We'll see tonight.
I agree with you. I think Melinda will win and deservedly so.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Posted by: Card's wife | 17 May 2007 at 05:25
Noooooo! Melinda is going home! I am devastated. Well, it makes my choice for the winner that much easier. It is just a shame that I won't be able to see it.
GO BLAKE! GO MELINDA! I am sure she will do plenty well for herself. What a great singer. I hope she stays true to her talent and just sings songs well instead of trying to be flashy. That is why I loved her--she was so old school and classy.
Posted by: Misspent | 17 May 2007 at 12:37
Misspent, have a great birthday. And have fun in Wisconsin. Tell POPS to take it easy when you hit the lake on that floating bar.
Posted by: Card | 17 May 2007 at 19:59
King, are you making a special appearance this evening on Idol?
Posted by: Card's wife | 24 May 2007 at 07:36
King, are you making a special appearance this evening on Idol? Your public needs to know.
Posted by: Card's wife | 24 May 2007 at 07:37
Well I did make that appearance you so wanted, of course, but I have to admit that there's no hope for me where the Beatles are concerned.
Posted by: King Taylor | 24 May 2007 at 10:12
King, Did you not think I was quite the object of passion last night? Did you see the wind dancing through my wavey locks? Did you hear the alternating purr and growl of my vocals driving the female hormones to a fever pitch. I must say, I was quite the stud rocker.
P.S. Misspent, thanks for the roses.
Posted by: Sanjaya | 25 May 2007 at 06:03
Posted by: King Taylor | 25 May 2007 at 09:55
Jealousy is so unbecoming.
Posted by: Sanjaya | 25 May 2007 at 22:04