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16 May 2007


Card's wife

I agree with you. I think Melinda will win and deservedly so.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday.


Noooooo! Melinda is going home! I am devastated. Well, it makes my choice for the winner that much easier. It is just a shame that I won't be able to see it.


GO BLAKE! GO MELINDA! I am sure she will do plenty well for herself. What a great singer. I hope she stays true to her talent and just sings songs well instead of trying to be flashy. That is why I loved her--she was so old school and classy.


Misspent, have a great birthday. And have fun in Wisconsin. Tell POPS to take it easy when you hit the lake on that floating bar.

Card's wife

King, are you making a special appearance this evening on Idol?

Card's wife

King, are you making a special appearance this evening on Idol? Your public needs to know.

King Taylor

Well I did make that appearance you so wanted, of course, but I have to admit that there's no hope for me where the Beatles are concerned.


King, Did you not think I was quite the object of passion last night? Did you see the wind dancing through my wavey locks? Did you hear the alternating purr and growl of my vocals driving the female hormones to a fever pitch. I must say, I was quite the stud rocker.

P.S. Misspent, thanks for the roses.

King Taylor



Jealousy is so unbecoming.

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